Friday, July 24, 2009

Date Night!?

So I am wondering if I should go out with my ex. I love this guy and even though we decided to end things because of distance we never quit talking. now I am where he is and I'm wondering if it is the right thing to do. When I couldn't be with him everything he did seemed to have been so glorified, but now I look at all his faults. What is up with me and love? We go back and forth and can never seem to meet in the middle. Is it that I don't have a love affair with humans, but with love itself? I used to think love didn't exist and when I finally let it in it has to be so damn confusing. Maybe I should say no to a date night with him and have one with myself, a moment of self realization, a time to get reacquainted with me. Yeah, a little fun in Peb's life made fun by Peb herself. Wow, what a great idea! Sometimes I amaze my damn self. Hotstuff. Peb.